My Mom was practical, she used to joke with me, “If you are ever thinking of having children, you will need to look for a tall, thin man who is good in math to balance your genes. Hopefully, one who can cook.”
I married a Spaniard. He is Galician, from the area of Spain right above Portugal. He is tall, an excellent mathematician, and he can cook. Galicia is known for its food. Not fancy El Buli food, but food you yearn for, food, that even as you are setting your fork on the table, urges your primal brain to demand more.
We have two children, at one point we had two standard poodles, now we, sadly, only have one.
My husband is the hand from Heaven that reaches out to me. He is the one that insists on fire extinguishers throughout the house. The one who looks at a pan full of burned lentils and says, “I can fix that.” And he does.
¿Por qué en español? Porque quiero y porque, más o menos, puedo.
Escribo como hablo, con fallos y palabras inventadas, palabras que me dan placer escribir, decir, e usar. El Español es un gusto no difícil adquirir: salado, dulce, adaptable, y sabroso.
Perdona y disculpe mil veces mis fallos, no me reporten, por favor a La Real Academia Española.
I married a Spaniard. He is Galician, from the area of Spain right above Portugal. He is tall, an excellent mathematician, and he can cook. Galicia is known for its food. Not fancy El Buli food, but food you yearn for, food, that even as you are setting your fork on the table, urges your primal brain to demand more.
We have two children, at one point we had two standard poodles, now we, sadly, only have one.
My husband is the hand from Heaven that reaches out to me. He is the one that insists on fire extinguishers throughout the house. The one who looks at a pan full of burned lentils and says, “I can fix that.” And he does.
¿Por qué en español? Porque quiero y porque, más o menos, puedo.
Escribo como hablo, con fallos y palabras inventadas, palabras que me dan placer escribir, decir, e usar. El Español es un gusto no difícil adquirir: salado, dulce, adaptable, y sabroso.
Perdona y disculpe mil veces mis fallos, no me reporten, por favor a La Real Academia Española.