Today my Spanish friends left to go back to Spain after being in Rochester five years, and where did my emotions lead my Yankee heart? Right to where emotions live: flamenco.
Every Spaniard knows the song, “Algo se muere en el alma cuando un amigo se va….”, “Something dies in your soul when a friend leaves.”
“Cuando un amigo se va y va dejando una huella que no se puede borrar…” “When a friend leaves, and goes leaving prints that can’t be erased….”
“El barco se hace pequeño cuando se aleja en el mar” “The boat gets smaller as it goes farther out to sea….”
“Cuando se aleja en el mar, el barco se hace pequeño y cuando se va perdiendo que grande la soledad,” “As it goes further out to sea, it gets smaller and as it gets lost from view how enormous is the loneliness…”
“Ese vacio que deja el amigo que se va,” “That empiness that a friend leaves when they are gone.”
“”El amigo que se va es como un pozo sin fondo que no se vuelve a llenar.” “A friend who leaves is like a bottomless well that cannot be filled.”
And like the clip of these Spaniards singing and dancing, the sadness of the words and emotions is countered by the clapping, the stomping of feet, the swirling polka dot skirts. Sadness and the joy of living.