I looked at the two teenagers and thought, “Good advice.”
Then I thought of my mother.
When mama was about eighty-two years old one high school-age grandchild told her that she should be more careful about what she ate. The student outlined the benefits of a vegan diet and how my mother’s health would improve and how her energy levels would increase.
My mother stopped raking leaves and listened politely. She told the student that she had just had a complete physical, cardio stress test included. She raised a crooked arthritic finger in thought and said, “You want to know the results? ‘No cholesterol, high good cholesterol, enviable blood pressure….’ But, you could be right; the cardiologist did say I had a valve that could give me some problems….”
The student smiled smugly.
Mama continued, “….in about thirty years.”
Mama turned to me, “You know, I suddenly have the urge to have a Big Mac, would you like to come along?”