This article offered suggestions for April Fool Jokes. Naturally, it put me in mind of a whole list of things that used to happen in my family: short-sheeted beds, falling water coming from a pail perched on a door, sewn-up pajamas….
I smiled as I reminisced about reactions to these tricks, and I missed the expert touch my mom put on her pranks. Then it came to me that my two children have gotten off pretty easily. Sure, I jump out and surprise them to improve their reflexes, substitute salt for sugar, but on this past April Fools I longed to hear the shouts of indignation as my children found their pajamas sewn up.
Or that was my hope. I am usually asleep within moments of my head touching my pillow, but I forced myself to stay awake and to listen for their cries. Nothing. My daughter crept in to say good night, then my son. Sweetness, no outrage.
The next day I found their pajamas, threads hanging, already among the dirty laundry: I guess the joke was on me.