My nerves have had a few years of serious over-stretching and I thought an hour of being reminded to breathe would be relaxing.
“Breathe in. On the exhale glide forward…” there’s nothing like following minute instructions to calm a harried soul.
I was so focused on each breath, each movement, that the hour passed quickly and we set up for Savasana, relaxation for the last five minutes of class. The lights were dimmed, each breath softened.
Then it started.
The gentleman on the neighboring yoga mat started humming along with the yoga music, a droning, off-tune hum.
I tried to let the sound float out of my consciousness like a fluffy cloud, a silent cloud, but the clouds gathered and darkened.
The yoga instructor walked by me.
“To relax, it helps to unclench your fists ….”
I exhaled and the clouds slipped by.