Yesterday, I changed the hand towels in the bathroom. My daughter lost no time in letting me know how much she despised the Valentine’s Day towel.
“I cannot believe you insist on putting out holiday towels. Really? Like we are in elementary school….”
“I like the towels – they make me happy.”
Teenage eyes narrowed, head lowered, she charged, “Infantile, much, mother?”
“Well,” I stalled, knowing that my daughter respected my brother, “Your uncle once commented on the importance of marking the passage of time….anyone coming into our house will know what season we are in and what we, as a family, are celebrating.” A double raise of my eyebrows told her “Take that.”
She countered with an affectionate shake of her head and a glance that went from mild disdain to amusement, “Celebrating time’s passage…in the bathroom? Mama, c’mon, you can do better than that.”